Episode 11 – Pets for Life Program

The Pets for Life (PFL) program reaches out to underserved communities to offer free pet care resources, services and information. PFL incorporates strategic door-to-door outreach, builds a consistent community presence and uses an extensive follow-up process to build relationships and trust within a segment of the pet-owning population that has largely gone untouched by animal service providers. PFL employs a three-pronged methodology to address the systemic challenges people and pets living in poverty face:

Direct Care – Delivers pet services and information

Mentorship and Training – Guides and supports local organizations in implementing community outreach programs

Policy and Enforcement Reform – Influences organizations to be focused more on pet owner support and less on punishment.

Jason Schipkowski from the Humane Society of the US joins the podcast today to share about the program and the benefits for everyone involved. 

Jason Schipkowski is a Program Manager for the Humane Society of the United States’ Pets for Life program. In his role, he provides in-depth guidance to organizations on how to sustain their outreach efforts in under-served communities. Incorporating a holistic approach to program sustainability, including elevating individual and organizational understanding of social justice issues, communications approaches, and fundraising best practices, he provides organizations with the tools, strategies, and confidence to nurture their pet owner support work long term.

Podcast Jason referenced:  https://onbeing.org/programs/john-lewis-love-in-action-jan2017/#transcript

Watch our Pets For Life video here: https://youtu.be/k3RaWQUdi6k


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