People Are Animals Too, Darnit! is a podcast hosted by Mandy Evans which explores the human-animal bond with an emphasis on personal and community wellness from an animal-welfare perspective. To truly help animals, we need to understand the complexity of the human condition. Learn from experts in animal welfare, doctors of human and veterinary medicine and social leaders as they share their thoughts on the human-animal bond.
Mandy Evans is Executive Director of Panhandle Animal Shelter and the Home To Home™ network. Mandy came to animal welfare in 2011 as the first executive director for the organization. She has worked to transcend a fear-based negative environment in which animals were housed instead of adopted, and where the local population expressed what they perceived was a lack of support. Through active engagement with the community at large, cutting-edge ideas, and industry partnership the shelter now has a 75% return to owner rate, they have quadrupled the number animals served and reduced length of stay by a staggering 85%.
Mandy has always been an animal lover, but this was solidified after her dog, Molly became paralyzed due to a malformed spine. Instead of euthanizing her, Mandy dedicated herself to providing her with the best life possible. She developed a website for owners of special needs dogs called, My Special Dog and a nonprofit, Molly Inspires which took Mandy and Molly into elementary schools across the nation teaching kids about empathy, kindness and not to be scared of people who are different than you.